The random amassment waste is one of the most prominent problems that burden the population in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, during a comprehensive assessment of the status of rubble and waste, which had been performed during the first stage of the debris removal project.
Khotoat Organization calculated 125 random amassments of waste in each of Abu Hamam, Al-Kishkiah, Gharanij, Al-Bhara, Al-Shaáfa, Hajin, Al-Kishmah, Al-Susa and Al-Baghuz.
The project of the removal of solid waste and debris in its second phase, which has cleaned the area from all random dumpsites.
Ismael El-Abir, a dissident from the random waste disposal activities, described this activity, saying:
“The number of most harmful landfills (125 random dumpsites) to the population had been removed. Which contained household waste, metal materials, animal and animal carcasses and war rests. The sites had been sprayed with insecticides and pesticides after the removal work was completed.
This work was very well received by the people, as some of these landfills were over 7 years old. As expected, various war hangars were found in these dumpsites, “gunshots – mortars – grenades – and homemade booby traps” not to mention snakes, scorpions, insects and rodents in large numbers.
Damages of random dumpsites
- Air pollution, land, and water pollution: which lead to successive damage to public health, the environment, and economic development.
- Damage to the human: It may be thought that unpleasant odors are the most common risk of pollution caused by ransom waste accumulation, but it is scientifically proven that the accumulation of waste causes many health problems such as chronic lung inflammation, an increased risk of allergies, asthma, diarrheal diseases, and cancer diseases.
Children and fetuses are most affected by the danger of the pollution caused by waste, as it has been found that pregnant women who are exposed to pollution raise the possibility of their children developing health problems, such as allergies and asthma.
- Spread of pests: Throwing of waste in places other than those designated for it contributes to the spreading of harmful insects such as flies and mice, which spread diseases over long distances, and also leads to diseases in cats and dogs that feed on rotting food waste.
- Damage to animals: Plastic bags suffocate many animals when they devour them.
- Creating tension and problems between people: by exchanging accusations about the cause of the accumulation of waste accumulations.
Incineration of waste
There are many universal methods for waste disposal, but the most common method in our region nowadays is waste burning. This leads to an increase in air pollution, an increase in pathogens, soil, and water pollution.
Waste disposal sites generate methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
High levels of methane can reduce the amount of oxygen breathed from the air. This can result in mood changes, slurred speech, vision problems, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, and headache. In severe cases, there may be changes in breathing and heart rate, balance problems, numbness, and unconsciousness.
Solid waste disposal is a worldwide issue and represents a severe risk to public health and the environment.
Residue from burning contaminates the soil and groundwater and can enter the human food chain through crops and livestock.