The project for the rehabilitation of agricultural cooperative in the villages of Al-Milaj and Al-Buhmeid
The project aimed at the rehabilitation of two agricultural complexes in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor. These two projects provide irrigation water supplies for more than 12,000 dunums, 1200 hectares, 2975 acres of land, i.e. for about 1050 farmers in Al-Buhmeid, in addition to 11000 dunums, 1100 hectares, 2718 acres of land and more than 1250 families in Al-Milag.
The project took place between 11.06.2019 and 11.12.2019
Achievements of the project:2
– 24 engines have been rehabilitated with 24 pumps.
– Worn out tubes of 861 meters have been replaced by different diameters.
– 11 concrete basins have been rehabilitated
– The waterways have been reinforced with a length of 14750 meters
– The 24-inch tube has been replaced by a length of 408 meters
– Motor and fuel have been provided for a period of six months
Ali Al-Hassoun, Project Manager, talked about these achievements, saying:
“… The project increased the stability rate in the region by increasing the yield in the region after the availability of its components: the second irrigation line in the Azzor Alsharqi irrigated 250 dunums, and this area was not cultivated for about 7 years and is now watered. The project provided many jobs in the project (42 jobs), moreover, it provided dozens of jobs in industrial workshops and employing machinery workers in addition to hundreds of new jobs in the agricultural sector as a result of the increase in the area of cultivated land.
The project also gave the chance of rehabilitation and training of families and those who are in charge of associations in general in dealing with motors, pumps, irrigation, and piping waterers in a scientific way, which is different from the traditional method that was being used… “.
Yassin Al-Badawi, project coordinator, talked about the difficulties that faced the project, saying:
“… One of the difficulties that we faced was the high level of the river than usual, so we were unable to rehabilitate the subsidiary river channel of the village association. Among the difficulties are also the lack of high-quality equipment in the nearby market, “the city of Al-Raqqa”, but we overcame it by resorting to further markets such as Manbij, but consequently we had an increase in time and money.
Also, the high temperatures were an obstacle for us, and we overcame it by giving the workers a break during the extreme heat and continuing work at other times of the day.
The number of beneficiaries of the project reached 2300 farmers.