This issue is one of the most prominent problems that hinder the life normalcy after the war. Therefore, Khotoat Organization is working to solve this problem through the project of debris removal in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.
The project includes the demolition and removal of debris from buildings prone to collapse or damaged by the war in “Al-Shhail, Al-Hawaej, Darnaj, Al-Zer, Al-Attal, Thiban, Al-Tkehi”.
The destroyed buildings that have been removed reached 61. The area of the removed buildings amounted to 5,526 M2, while the amount of rubble carried over was 8,250 M2.
Most of the rubble has been recycled and used for backfilling and cleaning of roads surrounding our worksites, as well as for leveling major roads and roundabouts, so the area of repaired roads reaching 6,215 M2.
A beautiful impact had to be left in the area of removal works, where we designed 51 murals containing instructions on:
“Preserving the environment, encouraging hygiene, rationalizing water, children’s rights, calling for peace and landscapes”
Some activities such as wall and sidewalks painting have also been organized in major roundabouts in some of the targeted areas.
The area of the murals reached 679 M2, while the area of the walls and sidewalks covered was 3012 M2.
However, the number of direct beneficiaries of this project was 1700 people.